For this piece directed by Costas Lamproulis I composed and curated the music.
We are like wrapped presents. Surprises waiting to be revealed. If the gift is not yet unwrapped, anything is still possible. The stories we live tear the wrapping. Stories created by our fragmentary, self-perpetuating perception, wrapped in the sweet and familiar illusions of our existence in the present. Again and again and again.
Trailer PRESENT from Un-Label on Vimeo.
PRESENT is an international dance theater performance by Un-Label in co-production with Pfefferberg Theater Berlin.
Accessibility: Sign language is an integral part of the piece
Playing time: 50 minutes
Produzentin: Lisette Reuter – Regie: Costas Lamproulis – Dramaturgie: Nils Rottgardt – Choreographische Begleitung: Sabine Lindlar – Musik und Komposition: Maximilian Schweder – Lichtgestaltung: Christian Herbert – Kostüm und Bühnenbild: Sarah Haas – Produktionsassistenz: Lara Weiss – Kommunikationsassistenz: Caroline Lampe – Gebärdensprachdolmetscherin: Konstanze Bustian (Skarabee)